Leucania extincta Guenee 1852

Leucania extincta Guenee 1852 (Type)
Heliophila phgramitidicola var. texana Morrison 1875 (Type)
Heliophila flabilis Grote 1881 (Type)
Heliophila rimosa Grote [1883] (Type)
Leucania oriza Schaus 1898 (Type)

Diagnosis: Forewing a dirty, dark, speckled, pinkish brown. Wing narrow and appearing rounded. Discal dot a white dot and a vague dark streak from the base of the wing.

Distribution (See map below): Leucania extincta occurs along the east coast of the United States from southern Maine to Florida, primarily on, or near, beaches. The species is found throughout Florida and westward to the eastern half of Texas and southward into Mexico.

Identification Quality: Excellent for North America. Similar species may cause confusion in the New World south of the U.S. - Mexican border.

Habitat: Leucania extincta appears to be a species of coastal beaches and marshes along the eastern coast of the United States, but to have a wider selection of habitats in the southern part of its range.

Foodplants: Unknown.

Larval Description: None available.

Leucania extincta

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